Merry Christmas to all... and Happy New Year, too!
We mailed all our newsletters (if you're a supporter and wanted a hard copy and didn't get one or if you're a student and wanted your...
Advent is here!
This week after an awesome dinner we chatted about Advent... we reflected on what it means to wait for the Incarnation, for Christ to be...

Thanksgiving for Mixtapes
This week we gathered with our fellow UKirkians from MTSU for a great meal provided by Westminster Presbyterian Church (served by some of...
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Tips on How to Thrive During Winter (or CST)
Now that we've "fallen back" it can really feel like we've fallen back... it gets dark in Nashville about about 4:30pm, and that can feel...

"Will you come and follow me?"
This week during worship we looked at Luke 5:1-11, the calling of the first disciples, and we especially reflected on those passages...

Play-ing Jesus with Play-Doh
The story found in Luke 4:13-30 is often referred to as Jesus’ rejection. After completing all his course work, being tempted by the...
Are you ready to miixxxtaaape?! If you don't know what we're talking about... we're making a massive playlist of songs that are...

"Citizen Christian?" Thoughts on a recent Belmont Convocation panel that UKirk hosted...
The story of David is a memorable one—a well known character in biblical narratives and a “man of God’s own heart” who commits remarkably...

Time to Register for Montreat College Conference!
Looking for something to restore hope? How's about a little HOME?! #puntimes ...It's time to register for College Conference! The theme...
Teenage/Not the Baby Jesus
Here's a summary of Lee's message from our Thursday dinner and worship this week. It was a good one. We enjoyed a baked potato bar and...