Support UKirk

Pray for and with us
Please PRAY for us and with us. We invite and encourage you to pray for students individually, over our weekly activities, and our ministry as a whole. One way to do this is to follow us on social media @ukirknashville, and pray for whatever we have going on that week. We so appreciate your prayers!
Share with us
SHARE a meal with us! We would love for your Sunday school class, Bible study, or church group to prepare and share a meal with us on Thursday nights. It’s fun way to volunteer and get to know us better.
Email us at: campusminister@ukirknashville.org.
Did you know UKirk Nashville receives no financial support from the universities we serve? With our small but disciplined budget, we truly depend on the generosity of several local Presbyterian churches (both from PCUSA and Cumberland Presbyterian), and the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee... a large percentage of our funding comes from individuals like you, alumni, parents, and friends who understand and value the work of UKirk, discipling young adults. Please consider making a contribution today! There are also instructions on how to make us a part of your monthly giving or tithe under the donate tab. Contact us if you have questions.