Last UKirk of the Semester!
Traditionally, pre-pandemic, our last UKirk of the semester is a time when we celebrate all our students have accomplished, most especially our graduates: we have an extra festive dinner and time of worship, including photos of students plastered all over the dining room... We obviously couldn't do that this week, the last week of class, but we had the best time that we could! We still collected photos of our graduates from age 1 to now and we plastered them all over our social media accounts: feel free to check those out if you need a warming giggle today. We enjoyed looking at them and celebrating our seniors' stories during a special time together on Zoom. We look forward to being able to celebrate them further when we aren't so physically distanced.
In the meantime, in addition to praying for each other as the academic year comes to a close, we also played a rousing game of "hey, what's that/no look draw." Each of us had an item that no one else could see and we were describing it to everyone else so they could draw it... The results were pretty hilarious. You can see on our faces that we're all working pretty hard(!), but we had a lot of laughs, too. And we'll be praying for all the students who are taking finals, finishing projects and everything else this coming week! We do not yet know what the summer or fall holds, but we're proud of students for finishing the race of this arduous semester.