Weeee're baaaack!
Classes are happening, UKirk coffees are happening, and now we're back with our Thursday dinners! We're excited to be dining together again with different churches sharing a meal with us each week.
We're also looking forward to diving into some new scriptures, prayers, and images provided by the pastors and artists at Sanctified Art. As a part of our worship this year, we're looking specifically at places in the Bible where plans fall apart. This week we looked at Psalm 42 and 43. The writer of this psalm is deeply troubled, as she says, her soul is "disturbed." Seeing this type of pain acknowledged in holy scripture should help us to validate our own pain and to grieve when our plans fall apart. And other parts of the psalm give us notes on how to have hope in these moments, too. The writer remembers those moments when she has been happy and praised God, seemingly reminding herself her current pain won't be forever. We reflected especially on the psalm's repeated refrain, "put your hope in God for I will yet praise Him."
We're looking forward to continuing to reflect on these psalms. They'll have more to offer us next week when we begin our discussion Peter's trying to walk on water to Jesus!